Wednesday 1 April 2009

Where do we go when we die?

When a person's body dies here on earth and their spirit moves on without the physical body, do they always go to the light and transition into the spirit world right away or can the spirits be confused and not want to go to the light and enter the spirit world?

When we leave our physical body on what we call death, everybody without exception, goes to what has become known as the Astral World or Plane. This is absolutely identical to the earth with the exception of the pollution or deforestation etc that has happened on earth. There are towns and cities but they do not pollute the atmosphere and each individual arrives in the astral version of his own country on earth. In this way, any shock at finding one has ‘died’ is reduced to almost zero. The loved ones who have preceded you to the spiritual realms will be there to meet you and there will be a glorious family and friends’ reunion. While there are mournful faces and tears on the earth at your loss, in the astral world there will be a party to welcome you back! It is the paradise to which Jesus referred when he told the robber crucified with him “This day shall you be with me in paradise.”

How long one spends in the astral world depends upon many factors. The more attached to things and people of the earth a spirit is, the longer will it remain in the astral. A person who is knowledgeable about matters of the spirit and knew beforehand they would survive death, will spend just a few days there, as will those spiritual souls who lived a life of selfless devotion, without really knowing for sure what to expect after death.

Where does one go from the astral? To paraphrase your question, we go to the light but what does that mean? The astral is a halfway house between earth and the spiritual realms, although in reality, all worlds form part of the spiritual realms, including earth and the astral. In the spiritual realms beyond the astral there are numberless worlds or planes or spheres – whatever you choose to name them. These are the “many mansions” mentioned by Jesus and they each project a different intensity of light. The higher the sphere, the brighter the light.

What determines to which of these numberless spheres you will move? The short answer is ‘your light’. We cannot see it with our physical eyes, although with some people we can certainly sense it, but every one of us projects light from our being. Light is our very nature; spirit is light and all creation is spirit, so all creation shines. People who have been fortunate enough to have transcendental experiences have been allowed to see this glorious light. All such people claim two things.

1) The experience only lasted a few earthly minutes but it seemed to them it lasted an eternity.

2) The experience changed their lives forever. Never again would they doubt the interconnectedness of all creation, their part in it and its permanence.

Once we lose the physical body the light we project is visible to all in the astral world, even though the solid body is visible also. The brilliance or dullness of this light is determined, not by our beliefs but by the kind of life we lived on earth. Most people are much better than they give themselves credit for and there are many surprised individuals when they are told just how bright their light is. We tend to focus more on our wrongdoing and selfishness but all those little acts of kindness and consideration which we forget as soon as we have performed them, add to our inner light. Some however, have led selfish, even wicked lives; others have misled their brothers and sisters with their so called spiritual teachings. I refer to priests and ministers who have insisted on expounding the dogmas of their religion even when they doubted their truth and also those who persuaded others to die for their religion on the false promise of going to paradise. These people reflect that in the lower intensity of their inner light. The latter will have to visit every one of the people they mislead and apologise to them. No one can hide or pretend, as they could on earth; everything is revealed and natural law ensures each one moves to that sphere where the light most closely resembles the light that they themselves project.

Once there, the real work of the spirit realms can begin. Remember we do not have a physical body to feed, clothe or house and this releases us from all the hum-drum needs of earth. We can become our true selves and take up any one of thousands of tasks from learning more at universities and colleges, to painting and the arts, to helping others, human and animal, both in spirit and on earth. The diligence with which we perform our chosen tasks will be reflected in the light we project and eventually we will be too bright for our current sphere and have to move on to the next. We experience another death and rebirth in effect.

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