Dogs are often described as Man's best friend. General was a Bassett Hound who years ago was my best friend. Here is my small tribute to him.
I had a noble Bassett Hound,
Full of fun from Spring to Fall,
We had to call him General,
For he looked like Charles De Gaulle!
He had us in hysterics,
When he was just a pup.
He was always tripping on his ears,
He just could not stand up.
Later on he grew so big and long,
Had legs shaped like a bow,
His paws were large as cooking pots,
And his ears hung down so low.
His bark was deep and powerful,
Kept n’e’r-do-wells at bay,
His eyes were rich brown, liquid pools,
That took all your sense away.
I remember climbing up Helvellyn,
England’s tallest peak,
And though his paws were sore and bled,
General didn’t even squeak.
Many thought him comical,
And laughed at his strange ways,
But his heart was big and loving,
Him too much I cannot praise.
At last his great big, loving heart
Could no longer take the strain.
And he went to doggie heaven.
There’ll be none like him for me again.
I feel his big, brown, soulful eyes,
Looking down from up above.
And I know that when my moment comes
He’ll be there with all his love.
Lionel Owen 2009
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