“Go mark the matchless working of the power,
That shuts within the seed the future flower.”
If you ever want proof that life is not just something that occurred by chance in the primordial swamp, look anywhere – but really look, don’t just glance. Examine the way in which even the simplest form of creation develops. Newspapers may proclaim scientist have found the secret of life in their genetics research. Don’t believe it. What scientists have discovered is another wonderful detail that shows just how incredible the genetic and reproductive process is. Despite all the claims about producing life in the laboratory, no scientist has ever produced life, nor ever will. What they have done is to take advantage of their greater understanding of the mechanism, to enable life to reproduce itself in a different environment.
That anyone can still accept the idea that life was a chance affair, when we are surrounded by such clear evidence of the operation of a power of mind beyond our comprehension, defeats me. Could we, using our finite brains, design a seed that when properly fertilised, fed and watered, will produce an identical plant to the one that produced the seed? Could we ensure that the flowers of that plant are identical to its parent? Could we even ensure that a marigold didn’t produce seeds that grew into lupins? No, it is when we really look and contemplate the world of nature that the severe limits under which our mind operates here on earth are so clearly revealed. We are pygmies in the creation game compared to the matchless power that created all living things and the means for them to ensure their continuation as species.
Human beings who have traditionally worked close to and with nature have always held the creative process in high regard and recognised that balance is an essential feature of the natural world. It is part of the great and wonderful design. Farmers, gardeners, growers, vintners, breeders; all know that without the unbelievable and loving power that created life, their own efforts would come to nothing. Fishermen also realised the vital importance of balance in nature, until they were made mad by greed and the love of money. Then they began systematically to destroy their livelihood and a formerly ample food supply for the rest of us. Albert Einstein was so right about humanity when he said:
“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity – and I’m not sure about the universe!”
There is never any need to be bored in this life. All we need do is to forget self and our own problems, which are usually far less serious than we imagine, and examine the natural world. It will not be long before we are lost in wonder at the beautiful symmetry and simplicity in even the most complex natural structures. Whether we are looking through a microscope at the tiniest works of nature or through a telescope at the teeming worlds in space, the result is the same; order, symmetry and simplicity of form. It has been truly said that “truth is beauty and beauty is truth.” The Hubble space telescope has revealed to us the incredible beauty of the heavens – even where destruction has occurred, the resultant beauty is marvellous. What do we do? We could always create beautiful buildings in which to work and live but do we? No because they cost too much!
Is it any wonder that there is so much poverty of mind in our world when we seem to foster the idea that beauty is wasted upon the poor? Only those the world considers rich can live in beautiful homes. Even our public buildings in the last fifty years seem uglier than in earlier ages. Or has my eye become jaundiced with age? Perhaps there is food for thought in considering why it is that as buildings have become uglier, cars have become prettier!
My friends, we live in a world surrounded by beauty and wonders, yet so often we fail to appreciate it. Our egos, driven by the five senses, have clouded our true vision. We have become blind to the magic; we have analysed away the beauty and even allowed ourselves to become cynical, post-Darwin bigots. Let us restore the spirit to the centre of our lives; allow our feelings to rule our head more; give unconditional love a fair trial. Then shall we truly find that:
“In contemplation of created things; by steps we may ascend to God."
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