Welcome the day with colour! Have you ever thought how important colour is in our lives? Imagine life without colour; everything drab and dull; no bright colours to raise our spirits.
Colour is much more than just something that makes everything look more attractive; colour is living and vibrant, literally. Why is one thing blue, another red and a third yellow? It is because of light. All substances absorb certain wavelengths of light and reflect others. The colour of an object is determined by the wavelengths of light it reflects. Because it is emitting wavelengths of light, the object is vibrating and our bodies can feel that vibration if we try hard enough. It is how blind people are often able to tell you what colour you are wearing. This means that all the brightness and beauty in our world, that is so dependant upon colour, only exists because of the sun! Without the sun we would live in a dark, colourless world.
I want to talk today about using colour rays to help you be healthy and happy. When you arise each morning try this exercise in colour breathing. Stand by an open window and breath in deeply, holding that breath for a while before slowly exhaling.
Breathe in through the nose and slowly out through the mouth, then visualise yourself in a beautiful meadow. Feel your connection with the Earth, your feet are strongly grounded and you are aware of the beauty of nature. Look towards the sky where you will see a rainbow. Study the colours and repeat them in order- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Now begin to link with the rainbow’s colours. Visualise yourself surrounded by red. Draw the red close to you and when you are ready, imagine breathing in red through your nose and then out through your mouth. As you do this, feel the colour flowing in a circuit, in through the nose and out through the mouth. At the same time, try to feel and visualise the colour extending and forming a sphere that covers both your visible and invisible self. After red move onto orange, followed by the other colours and repeat the exercise for each colour. Finally you will reach violet, the colour linked to the crown chakra. Again breathe the colour in through your nose and out through the mouth. At this point look again at the rainbow and then return your focus to the meadow. Feel yourself blending with the Earth.
Gradually return your awareness to the room you are in. Rest for a few minutes and reflect upon any sensations you experienced, such as warmth, tingling, or feelings of energy enhancement. If you practice this exercise regularly you will find that you can tune into it quickly and can use it either as part of a longer meditation exercise or as a small exercise to re-energise you at times during the day when you feel tired, depleted or stressed.
If you find visualising a colour difficult you might like to first try visualising an image with which each colour relates. For example, visualise red as a tomato or a strawberry. Try to relate each colour to a particular visual image and then move onto the colour in its abstract form. Also, if you are a sensory rather than a visually oriented person, begin the exercise by ‘feeling’ each colour. This may sound strange but it is simple to do, particularly if beforehand you handle sheets of paper for each of the rainbow’s colours.
The colour breathing exercise helps to cleanse and re-energise your aura and can also help you reach a deeper level of meditation preparatory to trying other visualised meditations.
A variation of the colour breathing exercise is to visualise the rainbow colours linking into each chakra, beginning with red flowing into the base chakra then orange flowing into the second chakra and so on.
If you prefer, you can visualise the colours as flowers and breathe in their perfume, which is an aspect of their colour. Whichever way you use the colour breathing exercise I am sure you will find it beneficial and energising.
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