Tuesday 30 June 2009

When Spirit Calls

There are many different ways in which each of us can be called upon to be of service to Spirit. Many believe that serving Spirit means preaching or mediumship. If they are not gifted in those areas, they feel Spirit will not be making a call on their services, but they are wrong.

Serving the Spirit is all about serving our fellow creatures, human and animal. It is not a religious thing at all. It is about using the awareness you have to sense the needs of those around you and then trying to do the very best that you can. There is an old saying that is very true in this context: “Who does the best his circumstance allows, does well, acts nobly, angels could do no more.” Each one of us is particularly good at something and some people are good at many. Such gifts are given to us that we might use them, not keep them to ourselves or to those closest to us. It is also true that by using our gifts, they grow stronger and we learn to use them more effectively.

There is much misunderstanding about how one receives a call to serve Spirit. It is mistakenly thought that such a summons to help must be received objectively. That is, somebody from the spiritual world visits you in a dream or clairvoyantly. Alternatively others believe you only receive the call if you have a sense of vocation, like ministers of religion, doctors, nurses, nuns etc. None of this is the case. Each one of us, including animals and inanimate natural objects too, is spirit, here and now. Because of this, if we ‘listen’ to our inner voices, they will guide us unerringly to where our form of service will be most beneficial.

Our spirit always resonates with other spirits within and around everything and everybody with whom we come into contact. Sometimes that resonance is positive and at others it is negative. This is because our aura, the sensing mechanism our spirit uses to make contact with other spirit sources, is either in harmony with the other, or not. At times, the inharmonious response is a warning for us that there is some kind of danger here and we should take great care, but not always. Often, it just means the vibration of the other spirit, is on a different wavelength, as it were, not anything negative at all. I am sure you have experienced a reaction when first meeting another person that, for some reason you are going to get on really well together or sometimes the opposite. This happens before you consciously know anything about the person concerned. This is due to the resonance between your two auras. The same is true of places. Sometimes, without knowing why, you feel drawn to a particular room or building or alternatively feel repulsed by it. This is because the walls of buildings have auras too and they absorb the energy from everything that happens around them. Where such events are highly emotional or even violent, the imprint on the aura will be greater.

It is well therefore that we practise listening to the messages the aura sends to our conscious mind. If we do, then two things happen. Firstly, we avoid trouble and conflict and secondly we are able to distinguish how we can help in a given situation. That help may be support for someone who is suffering in some way; it may be listening to the person because in that act of listening, you provide them with the opportunity to diagnose and cure their own problem; it may be offering your services to further the work or activity in which the other is involved. It is my belief that we are not drawn to one another by chance. Our aura and theirs are in contact with one another, sometimes over great distances, for sensing is not governed by geographical location. Our auras know our needs at any particular time and are constantly searching for others who can help meet that need, which sometimes is a desire to help others, not to receive help oneself. That contact inexorably draws each into the others orbit, even though again, we may have no conscious knowledge of this. We should always try to discover therefore, why a new person or even an animal has been drawn to us and we to them. There is always a reason and a purpose and by developing the habit of ‘listening’ to our inner ‘voice’ we will be able to determine what these are.

So, the call to serve Spirit comes from within for us all – no exceptions. That service may seem mundane to you at the time but you can be sure its effect upon the recipient will be significant. In the case of people, that service may be a small, one off, thing after which you may never come across that person again. Service is not about creating long term relationships – sometimes it is but more frequently it is spontaneous, happens quickly, is frequently forgotten speedily by the person giving the service, but it is a vitally important part of our attempts whilst on earth to further the growth of our own spirit and that of others too.

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