Thursday 4 June 2009


What follows is a parable that formed part of a Trance Address given at a home circle by Mrs Bray, a friend of the famous medium, Ena Twigg. The speaker called it an “Aperçu of Prayer.”

And I said, “Show me what I have to learn.”
And my teacher said, “Let me show you people praying.”

And it was as though I looked down on many, many people who were praying. He said, “That one is a mother praying for her child. But she is not praying that God will restore him to health if it be God’s will, she is telling God to make him well. As God is perfect law, if it is not in the scheme, the child cannot recover. That prayer does not reach very far. Although it is intense and it is pure, it is conditional.”

Then I saw a man dressed in a sack and he was praying and he said, “God, I am an unworthy part of you but if I can be used, use me.”
And the man n the sack had a great light come down, it caught his prayer – and my teacher said, “That prayer has been accepted.”

Then we saw a mass of people in uniform who were devising weapons of destruction; and they were praying that their weapons would be used successfully – and darkness came over. My teacher said, “Those prayers are not accepted, only by the dark forces. They have no validity and do not reach out.”

And we went round and round, then we were looking at an old lady praying for her husband who was dying and she was saying,
“He belongs to You, God and although I love him dearly, I give him to You.”

This prayer reached out and again a great blaze of light came down. My teacher said to me - I was weeping - and he said, “Have you learned anything?”

I said, “Oh how much I have learned by looking at this thing, much more than I ever learned from my own prayers.”

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