Friday 19 June 2009

"Service is the Coin of the Spirit"

If you think about it, everything that exists is designed so perfectly when looked at as part of the whole. Each organ in our bodies is designed to work in conjunction with others in order that the whole body can function correctly. The balance in nature of predator and preyed upon, of aggression and timidity of male and female is perfect when not interfered with artificially by humanity. The balance in nature is designed to allow each species to live but without becoming so dominant that it endangers others. When a species becomes too numerous, its food supply becomes insufficient and that remains the case until numbers are reduced to the point where balance is restored.

The balance does not just apply to physical survival and I want to examine the balance of gifts among human beings. One of the greatest wonders of creation is that human beings exist by the millions and yet each individual is different in one way or another and when one knows a person, you can pick that person out easily from others. One factor that individualises us is the gifts that we possess. No two people have exactly the same combination of gifts and I believe there is a reason for this.

This varied distribution of gifts is to encourage us to demonstrate our love for one another by sharing. This is another way of saying serving one another. An examination will quickly enable you to realise that our gifts are meaningless and bring little satisfaction to us unless they are shared. Even composers, poets, writers and painters who doubtless obtain satisfaction from the creation of their work of art, do not as a rule, create for their own amusement or edification. They see their gifts as a service to their fellow human beings. They have a message that they wish to communicate and unless it is seen or read by others it is lost.

Not all gifts are of the artistic variety, they cover the entire field of human activity. Some have an absolute genius as mechanics; others are fantastic house painters, whilst more have a gift for growing plants or husbanding animals. Then there are the orators and the raconteurs, the clerks and the shopkeepers, the fishermen and the doctors, the musicians, the actors and the comedians. The list is almost endless and whatever your special gifts, they are intended I believe to be shared with other people. Never refuse an opportunity to serve in whatever field the chance arises for true service is the highest expression of love for others.

Because of that we should always try to develop our gifts to their highest level so that the service we render is of the very best. In doing this, not only do we give needed and valued service to others but we honour God to whom we owe our gifts and increase our own sense of satisfaction. A job well done, no matter what it is, is a thing of beauty and perfection. Look, for instance, at the garden of a person who is a dedicated gardener, one who has green fingers and who has taken the trouble to learn what grows best where and when. Such a garden is not only a place of beauty but its effects go far beyond the eyes. The entire spirit of one enjoying such a place is enhanced and uplifted.

Each of us is an individual, eternal spirit being, dependant upon others to realise our full potential. We depend not just upon help from others in our times of need but also to enable us grow through the help we can offer them using our gifts. We need to be able to eat, house and clothe ourselves whilst on Earth, so it is only fair that our gifts are rewarded so we can achieve this. However, reward should not be our sole object, if it becomes so, then the quality of our gifts is diminished, we are less appreciated by those we help and there is little true satisfaction for us. This is because our gifts have been given to help us evolve spiritually, not physically. If we use them just to satisfy physical ends then the taste is as ashes in our mouth and instead of evolving spiritually, we regress.

To the great Silver Birch, that wonderful teacher from the spiritual world, “Service is the coin of the spirit”. It is the means of exchange used to purchase our evolution towards the light; towards greater understanding, wisdom and love; towards our true destiny as co-creators of this incredible spiritual and physical universe that we inhabit. It should therefore be given with a loving heart and its reward should be in its performance only. Anything else should be incidental.

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