Friday 13 March 2009

On Death and Love - Red Cloud

In the 1930's a little lady named Estelle Roberts used to hold thousands of people spellbound in The Royal Albert Hall in London. Why? Because she was the trance medium through whom the spirit of Red Cloud spoke. Once under the control of Red Cloud, this tiny lady filled the vast spaces of the Albert Hall with the deep, masculine voice of this wonderful native American Guide. Here are some of his thoughts on death and love:

Death is not such a bad thing after all. Is it not a blessing in disguise to some? When you look around at humanity suffering in its ignorance, would you not rather think that those you love had passed from a body of suffering into a world of fullness? Or is your love too selfish? With true love it is greater to give than to receive; it is greater to love than to be loved; and it is greater to give a cup of cold water to one who is suffering. That is to know the glory of God.

If you love with an unselfish love, then you have set out to learn the way past death. From whence I come it is not a place of airy clouds. It is not a place of vapour. It is solid, practical and full of common-sense people. If you would only stop for a little while to think of the great plan of the universe, the great plan of the earth, with its beauty and sunsets, and flood of blossom and then realise what Jesus meant when he said, "Eye has not seen nor vision beheld the glories that God has prepared for man."

Do you think the Law that brings you from childhood to full manhood would drop you from a state of manhood to nothing? Is it logical? Of course not. Man does not die. He is indestructible.

Now some of Red Clouds thoughts on the natural world:

"Gaze upon the face of a flower and note its beauty. Inhale the perfume which rises gently to your nostrils. In that moment of silent admiration you reach God's garden and your spiritual home. For home with God can only be in beauty, whatever way you seek it. Perhaps you will find it on a summer's evening as you gaze across the sky, the sun setting in its beauteous colourings and the gentle moon rising. Your heart and soul with wonderment are filled with the beauty of God's kingdom and its blessing. Thus you find inspiration, for you are awakening and sensing God."

Taken from "Red Cloud Speaks." With grateful thanks to Tudor Press (London)

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