Sunday 29 March 2009

Mediums and Their Ability to Predict

I have always been curious about how a medium would be able to know things that might happen in our future since they are receiving the messages from our loved ones sometimes and how would our loved ones know what might happen in our future?

How do mediums tell the future? I’m not sure they do. If they are using their mediumship, then it is spirit that is talking about the future and in that, we return to the helicopter pilot analogy I used earlier. Also I believe, because they know our hopes and expectations, they sometimes indulge in a little game. They know that if they reinforce a strong hope, dream or expectation, the chances of it being realised will be increased. I’m sure you know yourself that you try harder to achieve something if you are encouraged.

The latter is what mediums do when just working with their psychic faculty. The difference is the psychic does it unconsciously because he or she doesn’t understand how the gift works. He senses the sitter’s hopes, dreams, expectations, even their state of health and often interprets what he is sensing as coming from spirit (which it is not). He then tells the sitter what he feels as though the information were coming from spirit. The psychic infers that what he feels is going to happen in the sitter’s life and thus reinforced, hey presto, the psychic’s prediction becomes self-fulfilling!

A big problem for Spiritualism is the widespread use of the words Clairvoyant and Clairvoyance. To the man in the street and the compilers of our dictionaries, clairvoyance means fortune telling or seeing into the future. This is not what a genuine clairvoyant is or should be but it matters not what the Spiritualist definition might be, most people will think ‘fortune teller’ and expect to be told the future. Unfortunately, a lot of Spiritualists expect clairvoyants to do this too and go for sittings expecting spirit to solve all their personal problems, tell them where the next husband is coming from, what their health is going to be like in five years time and how the stock market is going to perform. Our loved ones are still very interested in what is happening to and around us and will do their best to help but their prime desire is to prove they still live and that had they known when they lived on earth, what they know now, they would have behaved differently. Most older mediums refuse to give ‘fortune telling’ readings and return fees if sitters are not really interested in proof of survival. Mind you a good reading will often include information on both.

There are other theories about the ability to read the future. One is that time is not linear at all and all events are happening at the same time in some way. By being able to mentally jump to where an apparently future event is taking place, one is able to see it happening before it does so. That’s a bit convoluted I know. The other theory is perhaps more sensible. Because nothing happens without a cause and often a cause comes well before an event, anyone knowing the cause has occurred will be able to predict the outcome accurately. Health problems are a case in point. The causes of ill health occur often long before the illness, so the spirit people will certainly know about what we are doing to injure our health and will warn us to desist. I’m sure this factor features prominently in cases of ‘precognition’, where certain people have dreams or waking visions of disasters. It is also likely that spirit, who are bound to know that something has triggered a future occurrence, will use that to inform a sitter about a future event, where they believe it is in the sitter’s best interests to know. I add that in the knowledge that spirit will not tell us future news if it is inevitable and they know it cannot be avoided, unless they are sure we won’t spend all our time before the event worrying about it instead of living life normally.

As to where the medium gets the information from, if he is using his mediumship it will come from spirit – sometimes a guide and sometimes a loved one of the sitter. If the medium is working psychically, the information is his misinterpretation of strong desires or emotions being picked up from the sitter’s aura, which he claims is coming from the spirit world.

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