Wednesday 25 March 2009

Guides/Guardian Angels

I was recently asked the following question and I thought you may find it and the answer interesting.


You said that our chief guide or guardian angel, the one who has been with us the longest, would know all the details of our past and can then guide us so lovingly. Do they also know our future?

Our chief guide or guardian angel was with us and helped us to choose when and where to be born on earth, so yes he or she certainly knows our past, including the time before we were born into a physical body. As you rightly say, this enables him or her to guide and guard us so lovingly. They know our strengths and weaknesses, our successes and failures, our hopes and anxieties and, no matter how much we may have stumbled on our pathway, they love us just the same. They can be aware of our future in the same way that all people in the spirit world can be so aware.

I liken them to helicopter pilots. If you are driving fast along a narrow, twisty, country road with high hedges and there is a large truck coming the other way, you have no way of knowing it is there until it is almost upon you. A helicopter pilot flying above you would be able to see both vehicles and would know that unless you slow down, there will be a dreadful accident. The pilot can therefore warn you to slow down and take extra care. The guides are in much the same situation vis a vis us. They, from their elevated position can see a little further ahead than can we but not a long way.

They are therefore in a position to warn of impending collision. However, even our Guardian Angel cannot interfere with our free will. If we are determined to take a certain action, even though the angel knows we will regret it later, he or she cannot prevent us from doing it. They can drop suggestions in our mind that we would be unwise to proceed but they can go no further.

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