Wednesday 4 March 2009

Love the Earth

Imagine the earth as seen from deep space in those marvellous pictures transmitted back to us from the Apollo missions. That wonderful blue globe so beautifully suspended in space.

Feel the yearning for home that the astronauts felt when they beheld the beauty of this vision. In recognition of the vision, relate to the earth. Pursue the logic which follows from this and earth is no longer "IT" or "HER" but "YOU".

Use the word "YOU" as an affirmation of the continuing relationship between yourself and everything you touch. The cat is "YOU"; the dog is "YOU"; your pots and pans are "YOU"; the plants are "YOU" and the rocks and soil are "YOU". The very universe becomes a second person universe, a cosmos of relationship.

And so you take a step nearer reality... From relationship, love grows - pure, unconditional love. Such a love has a curious property that, of all the opposites in our world of opposites, it alone can transcend the other pole of the argument. For love is not just a warm, cosy, sentimental feeling. It is total will-to-union. Consequently, it is not oppposed to hatred. It is not opposed to anything. Just as you do not need to shovel out all the darness from a room before you fill it with light, so love simply dissolves hatred. Its very nature swallows it up. It is the opposite only of the illusory world of perceived opposites.

And so unconditional love of your planet and of your co-habitors of it can help restore to you the total inter-relatedness which is the very gateway to universal
reality. Thanks to its vision of wholeness, will-to-union eventually becomes union itself. The second person universe turns into a first person reality.

Foregoing self, the universe grows "I". In other words, lose self and we discover our true selves in everything around us.

This is an excerpt from "Beyond All Belief" by Peter de Lemesurier

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