I thought I saw an angel, sitting at the end of a rainbow, bathed in every colour, glistening and shimmering. It seemed she was bathing herself in all the colours of the rainbow and appeared to be in ecstasy. The strange thing is, the more she appeared to draw the rainbow’s colours to herself the brighter glowed the rainbow. It was as if each was drawing colour from the other and I watched spellbound as with its brighter colours, the rainbow’s arch lengthened until it touched the opposite hills and thus spanned the broad valley below. Never have I seen such a rainbow and then; I had to look twice to make sure I wasn’t imagining it; at the opposite end of the rainbow sat another angel!
For several minutes, although time appeared to me to stand still and it could have been hours, I watched the colours in the rainbow vibrate as they flowed from one angel to the other and then back again, all the while intensifying. Then it was I heard the voice in my ear.
“My son, all the love and joy you can imagine is contained in those vibrant colours and though you may not realise it, all who are gazing on this spectacle, both in your world and mine, are being touched by that love and joy.”
No longer need I wonder why I felt so uplifted, or why my heart seemed to be bursting with joy for no apparent reason. The feelings I was undergoing at that moment are difficult to describe and somehow, knowing others were experiencing their own wonders, made it all the more special and rewarding. The feelings were similar to but more intense than those I felt when first I thought, at the age of ten, I was in love. My heart seemed too large for my chest and the blood coursed around my body as though it would burst forth at any moment to announce to the whole world the indescribable beauty of love. I felt myself lifted up and it seemed that everything around me shimmered with light and energy. The birds, the flowers, the insects, even the stones were alive with an intensity and vibrancy that took my breath away. The light surrounding each one was so beautiful, it brought tears to my eyes and yet each one, even of the same species, was slightly different from the other.
As I gazed in awe at this precious revelation, I began to understand that what we, with the limits of our physical senses, think are identical are just as different and individual as we ourselves. When you look at a clump of daisies, do not they all look identical to you? When you see them in all their glory, as I did in that moment, then you begin, but only begin, to glimpse the true wonder and majesty of creation. You become super-sensitive and it seems the whole of creation is speaking to you. It speaks in a language that is wordless; I absorbed what was being revealed as though by osmosis and even though I still recall the ecstasy of that moment, I cannot put it into words, for language contains insufficient imagery to do justice to the completeness and profundity of the experience. In those few moments, it was as if I became aware of everything at once. I became omnipotent; I knew all things and l was aware that I always had this knowledge, though it had been hidden from me. I realised the truth of those wonderful words in Paul’s Letter to the Corinthians:
“Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not love,
I am become as sounding brass or tinkling cymbals.
And though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all mysteries and all knowledge,
And though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains and have not love,
I am nothing.”
As I remembered these words I realised that what I was feeling and what I was being shown, was in fact love, pure, unconditional love.
Though I may never again see those beautiful angels, the lesson they taught me that day will never be forgotten. Never again will I doubt the unity of all creation, or call into question the presence of the power of the spirit in all things. Neither will I ever doubt the eternity of life, all life, no matter what physical form it might take.
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