Spread your wings take a deep breath, trust and jump! That is what the fledgling bird has to do and encouraged by its mother, after much hesitation perhaps, it does just that. Lo and behold, suddenly that little bird with its new feathers is airborne. It might flutter frantically for a while but as confidence grows and it realises what was meant by “trust” it begins to enjoy a freedom that we humans can only experience in dreams. The joy is evident if you watch the early experiments of fledglings.
Metaphorically, we sometimes must imitate the fledgling. There are occasions when, after lengthy periods of being surrounded by protective influences, we find everything has changed, and I do not refer only to childhood. Even as adults we have periods of great stability in our lives when it seems as though one’s life will continue in exactly the same way indefinitely. One day, often unaccountably, it all changes. Nothing that we accepted as ‘normal’ seems to be there anymore. People we relied upon are not available for one reason or another, or they are themselves so surprised by what is happening to us that they are disorientated. Like it or not, we find ourselves ‘on our own’.
Actually, we are never ‘on our own’ but in these circumstances, it feels as though we are. We have to begin thinking for ourselves; we have to take decisions alone, when previously we had been able to discuss the implications first. It is difficult and we shy away from taking decisions at first- just like the fledgling often does. We may try to blame others for the position in which we find ourselves; we may rage at the Almighty for deserting us; we may say, “Life is so unfair, why me?” Sooner or later though, we see that recriminations and placing blame here and there is not helping and then, only then, are we ready to move forward. At that point we stand on the lip of the nest, so to speak, trying to convince ourselves that if we leap into the unknown, our wings will unfold and we will be able to fly. We argue with ourselves as to whether we are right to trust, as our inner self (and good friends too) is trying to persuade us.
After the inner debate is exhausted and we think we might remain in this apparent limbo forever, we feel them. We feel our wings and begin to spread them. They may be mental or spiritual wings but they are no less real for that. We feel their tug on our shoulders; at the same time a conviction grows within us that we can trust them, they will bear our weight; they will take us safely where we need to go. As that conviction increases, so we begin to really spread and even to flap our wings. As we do so our confidence grows; our trust seems reborn and then we do it! We launch ourselves into the unknown boldly; ignoring that small voice of doubt that continues to try and influence us to be more careful, that tells us what we are planning is crazy!
At first our heart is in our mouth as it seems we are dropping like a stone. We fight to restore the trust that convinced us to leap and then quite suddenly, we begin to rise. We feel the wind beneath our wings as it lifts us up. We can soar and dive and a wonderful sense of freedom invades our senses. After all the time we spent worrying about being alone and whether we could cope, we begin to understand; to understand that protection is fine as far as it goes but as well as security it brings us dependence that weakens our muscles. We know that important though that phase of dependence and security was, using our wings will strengthen us, enable us to help others and bring us closer to the light. Our wings lay dormant for too long and as we use them more they grow in strength, as does our sense of joy. We are free at last; free to enjoy being us; free to decide our destination and how to reach it; free to care as well as to be cared for; free to laugh or cry, to inspire or be inspired.
Let’s do it! Let’s decide to use our wings again and be free! Let’s decide to shake off the shackles of cant and humbug, of social acceptability, of blind support or opposition and be true. True to our inner self; true to the spirit that is “as full, as perfect in vile man that mourns, as in the wrapt seraph that adores and burns*.” Only when we give ourselves this freedom, when we trust the spirit that energises us, can we truly love, give and receive in this life. Spread your wings and soar high above; seek the clear air of unconditional love and all that is troubling you will fall away.
•Alexander Pope
Thank You Lionel & Alexander Pope! "Let's do it! Let's decide to use our wings again and be free!" I'm "in". Bless you L. In Gratitude ~ Deborah.