I have been inspired to write a poem for my Blog today. I hope you like it.
The Butterfly
By Lionel Owen
As I dance from flower to flower,
And feel the sun’s warmth on my wings,
I bless Him who gave this hour,
And show my thanks in many things.
I pause to let the wondering boy,
Gaze in awe at my colours bright,
His sparkling eyes are filled with joy,
His excited cry is my delight.
I float above sun dappled stream,
As the angler throws his line,
The wary trout, his eye agleam,
Ignores the hook; relief is mine.
Lifted high in their gentle arms,
By breezes, to the trees I rise.
There to taste the nectar’s balms,
Of blossom sweet, mid grateful sighs.
A sweet old lady now I see,
Gazing sightless from shady bower,
A book unopened on her knee,
She dreams away this quiet hour.
As I alight gently on her glove,
She opens her eyes and smiles at me,
“Thank you so for your gift of love,
And soon, like you, I will be free.”
There’s a buddleia, blossoms bright,
It’s scent so powerful, sweet and fair,
Its nectar will bring such delight,
So I fly to join my brethren there.
My time of bringing joy and love
To all on Earth who understand,
Is soon to end and I’ll go above
To share my joy in the Summerland.
To you my time on Earth is short,
But just like you, I have my goal,
Time my friends has no import,
If you have touched one other soul.
Humans, animals, birds and bees,
Have not their end on Earth’s dark sod,
But rise like me upon heavenly breeze,
To join their kin in the home of God.
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