Saturday 9 January 2010

More Wisdom from Silver Birch

“You cannot stifle the power of the spirit; it must emerge. It will triumph over cruelty and hatred, it will triumph over bludgeons, concentration camps, dictators, because the spirit of man, must be as free as the air which he breathes. That is his natural, divine, spiritual heritage. All those who have seen the vision splendid, and have beheld the new world that is to be, know that it must be, because it is part of that same purpose which breathed into man and raised him from animal to human – and will raise him again from human to divine. Your task is always to hand on the torch, rekindle its flame, so that the generation which comes after you will have a greater light to illuminate its pathway. The foundations have been laid. They were laid many years ago in our world. And gradually, painfully, laboriously, men and women of all denominations, and of none, were raised up to be witnesses to the eternal spirit, to labour for the quickening of the divine plan. The new world must come.”

“If the new world has got to come by the result of our own effort”, asked one member of the circle, “why should the new world be born in your world?”

“Your world is the shadow; the light is cast in ours,” was the spirit answer. “You are executing plans which you have helped to create and bring to fruition in your own world. All the original work, if you like to use those words, is done in our world, because all the energising, all the dynamics, originate, not with matter, but with spirit. You are all instruments, whether you are conscious of the fact or not. You receive and transmit. And according to the degree that you make yourselves susceptible to spirit influence, so are you successful or not.”

“The new world is to be born through your endeavours, allied to ours, because no one works alone. Wherever an effort is put forth it is always by our effort. We have to find the instruments. You have to attune yourselves to the power which can flow through you. Perfection is never achieved. There is an eternal process at work smoothing away all the difficulties, getting rid of all the obstacles. The new world will only come when you have earned it. I can only say to you, here are things which must be achieved because they are part of the plan. But your co-operation will determine the time it takes. There is a plan, but it is not automatic. It is subject to your free will. You are co-operators, you are not automatons, puppets or marionettes. You are part of the Great Spirit.”

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