A Brasilian film company has just released a film called “Nosso Lar” based upon a book written through automatic writing by the great Brasilian medium Chico Xavier. It is a film well worth seeing if it is ever shown in your locality. Because it is Brasilian it will need to be dubbed into English or given sub-titles but I hope some enterprising distributor sees the sense in doing that.
The book was written from spirit by a man, Andre Luiz, who was a medical doctor when he lived on earth and it is the story of his life after he passed to spirit due to a heart attack. During his earthly life he overworked and ate a lot of food that was bad for his health, as well as smoking. He maintains that consequently, it was considered tantamount to suicide, which is a very interesting conception. Because of his ‘suicide’ he passed first of all into a dark, forbidding part of the spiritual world, which he referred to as purgatory. (I guess Brasilian Catholicism influenced this idea!) There was much mud and slime and people were crying out in pain and anguish. Occasionally, a bright figure would appear from nowhere and take one of the suffering people by the arm and lead them away. Andre suffered along with others for a while in this place and was often attacked by gangs. Eventually he summoned up the courage and determination to pray.
Soon after his prayer one of these bright, shining figures came and took him away. He was accompanied by two others carrying a stretcher on which they took Andre with them. They flew in a cloud of light to a brighter land and landed before a huge walled city to which there appeared to be no entrance. The leader of the group, who collected Andre, went up and touched the stones in a certain place and immediately the wall parted to form a magnificent gateway. Andre was carried to a hospital because he was very sick both as a result of the surgery he was subjected to before he died and his sufferings in purgatory.
When he awoke he found a young man standing beside his bed who explained what had happened to him and why he had been sent to purgatory. The young man then proceeded to give him healing by passing his hands over the doctor’s body. A green light spread from the healers hands across the doctor’s body and after two days of such treatment, together with drinking specially prepared water, his terrible surgical wound (that the hospital on earth had not bothered to stitch up) had completely disappeared. He was then able to get up and walk around his new home.
The city was indeed a beautiful place, with lovely gardens and attractive buildings that seemed to emanate light. He spent time listening to music in the company of many others beside a beautiful lake and was taken to the home of the young healer, to meet the family. Andre also met there a young lady who was not willing to accept she had died and longed to return to earth. He was also taken to what was called “The Communication Building” to see how people were taught to communicate with those on earth, which is where he learned how to use automatic writing.
He kept being drawn back to the hospital, presumably because he was a doctor and he begged to be allowed to help. With one patient he tried using earthly medical practice and it didn’t help at all and other members of the hospital staff were called to deal with the case. Eventually he accepted there were other, higher, forms of healing than he had been taught on earth and he learned how to use them, having first of all been employed like an orderly in the hospital, performing menial tasks. After Andre had been working there for a while, they were told by a kind of TV broadcast from a higher sphere that the Second World War had begun. After this they were inundated with patients and the resources of the entire city were stretched to breaking point.
At another point, three of the people Andre had become friendly with in the city decided they wanted to be reincarnated and there was a tender scene where they bade farewell to their friends at the entrance to a building used for the purposes of reincarnation. Next he was allowed to visit his earthly home but of course none of the physical people knew he was there, except for one. This was a servant, who saw him and before he left thanked him for blessing the house with his presence. There were several tender scenes when Andre watched various members of his family going about family duties, including his young daughter, who had been born just before he died. She was trying to play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata on the piano and was stuck at a certain point. He found he was able to help her by focusing his mind and she played the passage she had previously been unable to manage. Her mother came along because she had heard the child playing and congratulated her on learning the difficult part. The little girl said there seemed to be a bright gentleman there who moved her fingers over the right keys.
His wife had remarried since his death and her new husband was seriously ill with a chest or lung condition. Consequently Andre was unaware of the remarriage for a while. When he finally saw the two of them together he was stricken with terrible pangs of jealousy. He dashed out of the house and next minute found him self back in purgatory again! This experience quickly taught him that it was wrong to harbour such negative feelings and after a while he felt composed enough to return to his old house and his family. Immediately he went to the bedroom where the new husband was lying in bed so ill and gave him healing. He also passed his hands over a carafe of water beside the bed and impressed the man to drink it all when he woke up. Next day the man was cured! The doctor’s widow and family were delighted and the new husband described the shining figure that had healed him and told him to drink the water.
On his return to Nosso Lar, Andre’s mother, whom he loved deeply and was living in a different part of the spiritual world, was brought to meet him. There was a touching scene of reunion and they stayed together for quite a while but eventually she had to return to her own spirit home. Before she left there was a scene showing her in the operating theatre on earth before Andre died, trying to help her son during his operation and her sadness when the surgeons had to admit defeat. Then he discovered that the girl who wanted to return to her life on earth, had run away. He searched for her but in vain. After a long time, he was impressed to search again and he found her, covered in mud and wounds, trying to drag herself back to Nosso Lar. It seems that her efforts to return to her old life had instead taken her to purgatory, presumably because such longings are considered sinful (?), where she suffered terribly. Andre carried her back to the city and healed and nursed her until she was recovered.
The film ended with the sight of all these poor people who had been the victims of the war, arriving at Nosso Lar. Whilst I found it difficult to accept all the scenes in the movie, it was a fascinating and moving experience for me to watch it, even when some of the conversations were a little beyond the comprehension of my limited Portuguese! I strongly recommend you go to see it if it ever comes to a cinema near you.
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