What follows is an extract from the book “Highlands of Heaven,” one of four books given to Rev George Vale Owen from the spiritual world through automatic writing.
"For instance, there are here such as have charge of the elements which condition the earth and those things which grow upon the earth. Let us take one example which will serve to illustrate the others: Those who have charge of vegetation.
They are under one Mighty Prince and are divided and sub-divided into departments, all in perfect order. Under these again are others of lower estate who carry out their work under direction, and in conformity to certain unalterable laws laid down in the higher spheres. These are what you know as elemental spirits, and are multiple in number and form.
The laws of which I speak are very complex the further we proceed from the sphere of their origin; but if we could trace them upstream and arrive at their origin we should find, I think, that they are few and simple. In the source and spring of their origin, there is also Unity. Of this I, who have only been a little way, can but reason, on what I have observed in my upward progress. This leads me to hazard that the one law, or principle, from which all the lesser laws and principles are radiated, might best be described by the word LOVE. For understood, as we understand things, love and unity cannot be separated, they are identical. We have discovered this much at least that everything which divides in all the regions and estates on this our own level, and in those spheres below us down to the earth sphere, is in one way or another, an abnegation of Love in its most intense and truest meaning.
But this is a most difficult problem to discuss with you here and now; for it would be very difficult to explain to you how all the diversity you see around you is due, as it seems to us, to this same disintegrating action: Yet is all so wonderfully wise and so beautiful. Still, if you substitute for the word ‘negation’ the idea of Unity less one part and then Unity less two parts, and so on, you may perchance get some glimmer of what philosophy is held among us on this subject of Unity radiating into diversity of operation.
Although the activity of these lower orders is all regulated by law, yet a great amount of freedom is found within its bounds. And this is to us a matter of much charm because, as you will agree, there is much beauty in diversity and in the ingenuity displayed by those who energise among plant life.
And now I will tell you something which, I have hinted already, and which you may find difficult to accept. All these main principles, even when diverse in action, are planned in spheres higher than my own by high and powerful Princes who hold their commission secure under others higher still, who hold theirs from others above them.
I use the word “diverse” in preference to antagonistic, for among those ‘High Ones’ antagonism does not find a place. However, diversity of quality in wisdom does and is the cause of the wonderful diversity in nature as it works out in its procession from those Higher Heavens outward through the lower spheres into that of matter which is visible to you on earth. Where antagonism enters is in those spheres where the radiating wisdom has become more attenuated by reason of its journey outward. It travels in every direction through spheres of innumerable myriads of free-willed beings, and is diluted and refracted in its passage.
And yet, consider the stars of different size and complement and the waters of the sea, which are naturally still. By the motion of the earth and the gravitation of bodies at a distance, the latter is allowed to have no rest. Then, in the case of the former, the more rarefied atmosphere which, also responding to the pulls and pushes of the forces which impinge upon the earth, whips into motion the heavier liquid. Next, all the diversity of form and colour of grass and plant and tree and flower and insect life, and life more evolved, like the birds and the animals; and of the continuous movement among them all; and the way in which they are permitted one to prey upon another, and yet not to annihilate wholly. Every species must run its race before it passes away – all this and more; then will you not, my ward and friend, confess that God is indeed most wonderful in the manner of His working, and that the wonder justifies most fully the measures He has permitted His higher servants to adopt and use, and the manner also of their using?"
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