Wednesday 24 March 2010

What’s in a Name?

With grateful thanks to Deborah for suggesting this topic. Lionel

Many people use this expression lightly, to indicate that names are not that important. Nothing, in my opinion could be further from the truth. Our names are very personal and very important. They form part of us; I would even go so far as to say they form part of our character. There are some societies where personal names are closely guarded and would never be disclosed to a stranger because once you give a person your name, you give them power over you. This may well be the reason why even today, we use the less personal surname when introducing ourselves to strangers.

It is as though the sound of our name, when spoken aloud, resonates in a special way with our individual electro-magnetic field. As we now know, artificial electro-magnetic fields can interfere with our health; for instance people living under power lines or very close to electricity generating stations often develop physical and mental health problems that have baffled the medical profession. Many Spiritualists claim that one of the reasons there is less physical mediumship compared to seventy years ago and earlier, is because artificially generated electro magnetism interferes with the delicate and subtle energies used to produce the phenomena. There are countless illnesses these days that were not evident in our grandparent’s day and I often wonder if electricity is the cause. We are surrounded these days by electronic equipment wherever we are. Even on mountain tops and other inaccessible places, we still carry our cell phones! Television, radio, music gadgets that people carry seemingly permanently plugged into their ears, telephones, computers, motor cars and other forms of transportation; all of them emit electro-magnetic waves at varying frequencies.

The great Spiritual healer Harry Edwards claimed each cell in the human body “has a mind of its own.” What he meant by this is that each cell emits a signal on a particular frequency and when it becomes diseased, the frequency of the signal changes. It only recovers when, by one means or another, the correct frequency is restored. Almost all forms of treatment come down at a basic level, to a means of affecting the electro-magnetic fields of various cells. Bach Flower remedies for instance transfer the frequency of the cells of the flower from which they are distilled, into the cells of the patient. Dr Bach urged his students to “feel” the energy of the flower when they were picking it. The reason different drugs are needed for different health conditions is because each drug transfers a different electro-magnetic vibration to the patient, so depending upon the wavelength of the signal of diseased cells, a different drug is needed to restore it to the original. A French scientist investigating the claims of Homeopathy found that water has a very special property; it absorbs the electromagnetic wavelength of any substance dissolved in it. So, homeopathic remedies act directly on the electro-magnetic signal of individual cells, using this magnetically charged water. Spiritual Healing acts in exactly the same way. The healers in spirit know the wavelengths needed to correct errant cells and apply them, often through the use of colour. Sound may also be used.

All in all then, the human body works through the use of electro-magnetic vibrations, although they are often of so subtle a nature that science has no instrument yet, sufficiently sensitive to detect them. Kirlian photography has shown how every living thing has an energy field surrounding it and some people have adapted Kirlian equipment for the treatment as well as just the detection of certain diseases. This being the case, it is small wonder that the sound of our name affects our energy field and that primitive tribes were so cautious about disclosing their individual names.

Numerologists make much use of names and claim that our name affects our lives in many different ways, including how financially successful we are. One numerologist suggested to me that if I added the initial ‘Z’ between my first and surnames on my book covers, my books would sell better! Others have told me that their experience has shown that some names seem to be possessed by those who are destined to live relatively short lives. The name of John was given as an example and I must say, co-incidence or not, my grandfather and one brother who possessed that name did pass to spirit relatively young.

The answer to the question therefore is that there is much more in a name than you might suppose at first. I believe we do not receive our names by chance, although parents may think their choice is random. I think the choice of name is very much influenced from the higher worlds because it is so important in helping us follow the path in life we consciously chose when we agreed to come to Earth in the first place. To follow that path successfully we need a certain type of energy field and our name is a vital part of that field.

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