Here are some brief thoughts by the great Harry Edwards, whose Healing Sanctuary at Shere in England is still operating using both contact and distant healing, often with the most remarkable results:
Reproduced from the booklet “A guide for the Development of Mediumship” by kind permission of The Harry Edwards Spiritual Healing Sanctuary Trust.
Spiritual Healing is now considered to be, by many, the highest form of mediumship. Perhaps this is because the gift of healership should possess a high quality to differ it from psychic healing.
Whereas the development of purely psychic faculties need not possess a spiritual incentive, spiritual healing certainly does. The primary qualities a healer possesses are those of generosity, love and compassion. He cannot be of a mean or selfish kind. He needs to possess that deep inner yearning to heal the sick and to take away distress.
Spiritual healing is a spirit science: while this is true of all forms of mediumship, healing by the very nature of its accomplishments needs the presence of a guide, or guides, who have the particular knowledge how to direct the correct qualitative remedial forces to master a given ill condition.
It is probably very true that every guide possesses knowledge of this character to some degree, but it is reasonable to assume that as the healing gift develops it will become necessary for other spirit personalities to come into the picture for dealing with specific diseases.
The commencement of healing mediumship invariably begins in the healing circle, particularly so when the sitter is able to receive the condition of trance. Many healers have commenced their ministry under trance, and then as the development proceeds the need for a trance state is overcome. This follows the acceptance of the fact that guides are always present when there is a need for their services, and they are able to direct the healing forces to the patient via the healer’s spirit faculties without trance being essential.
It is suggested that the beginner who desires to develop healing should, when he has been able to attain attunement, attend a healing circle, first as an observer, and then, later on, to join in with the healing endeavour through his spirit-self, as if he is actually taking part in the healing itself.
There is probably no spiritual healer who treated a larger number of people than Harry Edwards. Initially a printer with political ambitions, he visited a spiritualist meeting and came across a medium who said he was an excellent instrument for spiritual healing. Subsequently, he made his first attempts, which were so successful and attracted such a host of visitors that he fully dedicated his life to healing. Thousands of healing stories are reported, and even in hopeless cases, healing or improvements were due to his help, although he did not even meet the majority of his patients personally. An incredible number of letters asking for remote help were sent to him from all over the world. In more than 40 years of his activity, up to two thousand help-seekers per month visited him at his secluded sanctuary in Shere, Southern England. He also became famous by his public healing demonstrations, which, like the one at Royal Albert Hall in London, were attended by up to five thousand visitors. His declared task was to propagate and popularize the knowledge of spiritual healing. For instance, he recommended the cooperation between conventional medicine and spiritual healing, with the effect that there is to this day, successful cooperation between the two disciplines in England. He set spiritual healing in a spiritualist context, talked about spirit doctors who are a prerequisite for making success possible and considered healing as a medial act. Raised as a Christian, he often referred to religious subjects, which brought him some rather unpleasant experiences with the Anglican Church and a tendentious investigation report by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Edwards wrote various books about his findings.
" The Power of Spiritual Healing" - "Spirit Healing" - "A guide to the understanding and practise of Spiritual Healing" (German title: Geistheilung, Bauer Verlag) - "Thirty Years as a Spiritual Healer" - "Life in Spirit" - "The Mediumship of Jack Weber"
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