Wednesday 16 December 2009

From Spirit – 16th December 2009

I draw close once more and thank you for inviting me to try to guide your fingers.

I wish to speak today of the concerns that abound on Earth about the effects on the climate of what you refer to as ‘global warming.’ That the Earth is warming is beyond doubt, as you can see from the acceleration in the melting of the southern and northern polar ice caps. That the pollution you daily pour into the atmosphere surrounding your world adds to this warming effect, is also beyond question, but it is not all.

As human spirits with finite physical bodies, living in a finite physical world, there is a need to recognise the blindness this state of affairs imposes upon you. What you see and understand of your Earth and what occurs both above and below its surface with your five poor sensors is but reading the first page of a book with several volumes. What people believe to be understanding is little more than guesswork. Your Earth is a living organism, as much a part of the Infinite Source as are you and I. It is still young and as with all youthful beings, it is growing and changing but the pace of change is so gradual that, to your finite brains it might appear to change not at all during one human lifetime. Your senses therefore lull you into thinking the Earth will remain the same almost indefinitely but this cannot be.

The forces of creation must continue their inexorable role of adaptation and change. Adaptation to the impact of human ingenuity upon your planet as much as to the natural growth of the Earth as it matures. The forces whose results you are seeing as ‘global warming’ have been at work for millions of years and the climate of the Earth has changed before. It is not something resulting merely from the pouring out of harmful gases into the atmosphere, although that has accelerated the process.

Never forget however that you are guests upon its surface and you have been given this privilege because the Infinite Source knows that you need help in order to use your time on earth to maximum advantage as part of the spiritual refining process that is life. Just as the Earth helped humanity to provide food for itself instead of having to rely solely upon what grows in the wild, so it is helping now to bring about a sea change in human attitudes and understanding.

Your world has grown ever more intolerant and selfish, especially at the political and business level. Even programmes to help populations in countries too poor to properly support their own populations, are designed to bring more benefits to the donors than the recipients. Increasingly have countries with greater wealth exploited the natural resources of those who are poor. That is true of mineral, vegetable and human resources. The Earth has always been capable of providing sustenance for all its teeming millions but only if those populations are willing to help and co-operate with one another and not succumb to greed. The Infinite Source has laid down laws to guard against the despoiling of the plan for spiritual refinement. Time and again humanity is given the choice; co-operate with natural forces and live an earthly life of peace and steady growth, helping one another to face and overcome the inevitable challenges of life, or oppose those natural forces and create discord and misunderstanding. You are meant to live in harmony, which does not mean agreeing with one another all the time but it does mean that you have to be willing to agree to differ sometimes, instead of quarrelling and trying to resolve disputes by war.

The changes taking place in and around Earth currently are the latest of the challenges the Eternal Source places before humanity as a whole from time to time. You have reached a point in your social organisation where the present situation cannot be allowed to continue. ‘Global warming’ is part of the solution. You cannot oppose or alter the course of the changes taking place on the Earth, so you need to discover as much as possible about the direction they are taking and take steps to adapt to them. This requires co-operation between nations; it needs goodwill on all sides and a desire to learn more about the Earth as a living organism instead of ways to exploit her resources for material gain. It is a period when self-interest must be subordinated to the interests of all. There is time, for as I say, the earth changes slowly but make no mistake, those changes are inevitable. Humanity must learn to understand and adapt, or large numbers will disappear from the face of the Earth. In doing this, you will learn much about yourselves and your inner light also. In co-operating in order to learn and adapt, you will discover that life is truly about service and in serving one another selflessly, your individual light and the light shining forth from Earth will be greatly enhanced.

May you ever walk in the light of the Infinite Source

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