Thursday 15 October 2009

Knowledge Conquers Fear

I explained in yesterday’s blog that fear is usually far worse in anticipation than it turns out to be if we have the courage to face it. Our imagination can be a positive or a negative force and the choice is entirely our own. Imagination works in a negative way when we lack detailed information. Develop the habit of positive thinking, recognise that change is a constant factor in our lives and we will find that far from working in a negative way, our imagination will show us how best to deal with the new situation. If we allow fear to paralyse us, either physically, mentally or both, this will act as a block upon the imagination, as well as on our ability to think logically. It means we just cannot seem to think at all and often we then give up and bemoan our lot. It need not be like this but the time to change our mental approach to life and its challenges is now, not when fear takes hold. We need knowledge in order to re-focus our mental approach. Where do we obtain this knowledge? First we look back on our lives to date and see how change has been a constant factor. I believe we will discover that where we have accepted the change and not tried to resist it, it has worked out for the better.

The basic knowledge we need is to accept we are eternal spiritual beings who just happen to inhabit a physical body and live in a physical world for a short period of time. This means that our natural environment is the Spiritual World, not this one and we are designed to move back there effortlessly when our time arrives. Once that is accepted as a basic tenet of our belief system, then the rest becomes straight-forward. Let us examine some basic fears in the light of this knowledge. Many of us have feelings of inadequacy, not always but from time to time. This leads to many fears involving our interaction with other people. Accept we are eternal spirits and we will come to realise that that spirit is extremely capable and powerful if we learn how to use it. To learn that we need to spend time getting to know our inner self and that we do by learning to be still. In the stillness the capabilities of our spirit will be gradually revealed and the temptation to over-emphasise the importance of physical events will be greatly reduced.

Once we realise this, we will understand that everything which happens to us and every person we meet occurs by design and not by chance. With that realisation we are in a frame of mind to work out why a particular thing is happening to us. Inevitably we will find that those things causing us the greatest anxiety or the greatest fear, will if faced and reasoned through, teach us the greatest lessons in our eternal search for spiritual self-improvement. Within each one of us is the earnest desire to move from darkness towards light and from ignorance towards knowledge. The fact this is an eternal process does not diminish either its importance or the deep sense of satisfaction each small step in those directions bring us.

Before ending, I want to address the greatest fear of all for most people. The fear of death is not in my opinion a natural one. It has been implanted in us by generations of misinformation about the true nature of human life. Such is often spread in an attempt to gain power and undue influence over others. The truth is that not only does the spirit live on after this life comes to an end but it is possible for those who have already moved back to the spiritual world to communicate with us that remain here. These communications convince us of the truth of eternal life by the detailed evidence given. There can be no doubt in the hands of a good medium, that the person the medium claims to be in contact with is in fact that person. This brings immense comfort as we realise the loved one we thought lost forever, is still living and can and does come close to us.

In addition, those who have journeyed ahead of us can and do explain what life is like in the spiritual realms. They explain that it is very similar to earthly life except for some important differences. There, we no longer need to feed, clothe or house a physical body, so that part of earthly life which is sometimes drudgery is removed. Also our spiritual bodies are not affected by the ageing process, so once we pass all the aches and pains to which the flesh is heir, disappear. There is absolutely no need to fear death, which leaves us only with fear of the actual process of dying. None of us welcomes pain and so often we see dying friends and relatives suffering great pain and naturally we want to avoid that if we can. I believe some of that pain at least, is the result of the very fear of death referred to. By fighting too strongly against the change when our time has come we set up a painful physical reaction. As to the pains of illnesses, I explained yesterday many of these are induced in my view by fear. Maybe if we can conquer fear in the way I suggest, such illnesses will become a thing of the past?

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