Friday 6 February 2009

Trails of Truth

Here is another quotation from this wonderful book describing a series of séances that took place in Ontario, Canada in the late 1920’s. The chief guide of the circle, a doctor from the spiritual world called Dr. Anderson, is explaining how the victory of Spiritualism over orthodoxy can free people from the bondage of ignorance if it is properly promoted. (If only we could each forget our petty differences and concentrate whole-heartedly on this wonderful objective!! – Lionel)

“The nature of this victory is to prove to the multitude that there is no death, that there is no hell fire, and that God loves all. To prove that you, not God, create your own hell. Hell is within you. Just imagine a God, whose mercy endures forever, punishing us! Can you think of that? God, your own Father, who gave you your own spirit – for you are part of God! Naturally, God would not punish Himself. He loves all His children.

That church which teaches there is no death, will be saved. God is loving and merciful. There is no hell. It is a condition of the mind within yourself. Those that do evil will dwell in darkness. Remorse presses on their souls and, like heavy food, causes nightmares. It continues to press until they show a desire for good. Then they attract a ministering angel. God’s hand is always stretched out to help the lost sheep to return to its fold. But the sheep cannot be found until its cry is heard. Jesus’ parable of The Lost Sheep and the Great Shepherd is a picture of spiritual life. The prodigal Son is another true representation.”

“Is the bible infallible?” asked a sitter.

“Some parts of the bible were written two or three hundred years after Jesus. The parts that speak of the wrath of God and of hell are put there by man to cause fear amongst the people of that day. The church wished to dominate and establish a business. Those were the times when papers were sold on the streets to redeem the souls of men. A change will take place before long. A new thought and truth is being ushered in. The church that accepts the teachings of Jesus in truth – that there is no death, - for anyone, irrespective of religion or belief (Lionel) – will live. Truth must win and will win. Others will heed the message down the centuries and join the truth. Truth cannot be hidden. The light can never be put out.

May God bless and guide you throughout all the pathways of earthly expression. May God enlighten you with divine truth, showering knowledge and blessing upon your spirits. Amen”

Finally, the doctor from spirit was asked about the preparations needed in spirit for séances like the one they were sitting in. The sittings usually lasted two hours.

“It takes from 75 to 100 angels to make one of these sittings possible,” said Doctor Anderson.

Now there’s a sobering thought for anyone deciding to sit in a circle or séance but not willing to commit themselves on a regular basis because “I’m too busy!” - Lionel

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