I am often asked how spirit people communicate with their loved ones through mediums and why it is that certain people communicate regularly but others, who were close when on earth, never seem to make contact. The first factor to understand is that the spiritual world, even more so than ours, is a world of thought, a world of the mind. Therefore communication between spirits and so-called clairvoyant mediums is a mental process – telepathy in other words.
To answer the second question first, there may be several reasons for this. Firstly, the people who have passed to spirit may not yet have fully understood what has happened to them, let alone have discovered it is possible to contact those remaining on earth. In other words, they may not have realised they have passed or maybe have been so convinced there is nothing after death that they are in a kind of coma of non-realisation until some kind spirit friend is able to penetrate that fog of misunderstanding and convince them of the reality of life after death. In earthly terms, it may take a long time for this to happen which could appear very unfair to those of us on earth waiting for comforting words from them. However, if we take into account that the life of the individual consciousness is eternal, it may help to put this into perspective. This may also help you to appreciate the damage that can be done by those who are able to convince others either that physical life is all there is, or alternatively that everyone has to wait in some “in-between” world until the sounding of the “last trumpet” when everyone will ascend to spirit simultaneously.
Secondly, because communication between a person in spirit and a medium is a very subtle process, it may just be that the person in spirit has not yet found a medium with whom they feel comfortable enough to work. Thirdly, the Etheric World, which we all enter on passing from earth, is full of fascinating surprises and opportunities for learning and experimentation, especially as there is no need to buy clothes, food or homes, so working for a living becomes redundant. We work there at things which we love or which fascinate us. Some people become so carried away with investigating these surprises and opportunities that they lose all track of time and don’t realise years have passed since their death, for time seems to be so less important in their world than in ours. There is also a category of person I believe, who is so convinced of imminent re-incarnation that they think it a waste of time to try to communicate with those left on earth. I am ambivalent about re-incarnation but whether it is a fact or not there are two important things I am convinced do apply should it be a so. 1) It is a voluntary process and no-one can be sent back to earth against their will. 2) It is extremely unlikely that immediate re-incarnation would be permitted. Such an occurrence would seem to be invalidated by near-death experiences (NDE’s). If immediate re-incarnation were possible, why would a person be returned to their body after an NDE, being told it is not their time to go yet? A further consideration would appear to be the risks involved in meeting relatives who knew you in your earlier incarnation.
I hope this has shed some light on why it is that not every loved one or acquaintance who has passed from earth is successful in communicating the fact of their continued existence in the spiritual world. Tomorrow I will try to explain how the process of communication between spirits and mediums takes place.
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