Thursday 19 August 2010

Communication – Part 2

I stressed yesterday that communication between a person in the spiritual world and a medium here on earth is achieved using telepathy and it is important to bear this in mind when considering the whole question of mediumship and communication. The process is extremely subtle and apparently small things can interfere with it. The attitude of mind of both the sitter and the medium is vital; for instance a sitter who is grief-stricken and only wants to hear from one particular person in spirit can quite unintentionally create a barrier with their grief and thus make it impossible for the loved one to communicate. Similarly, if the sitter is completely and negatively sceptical of mediumship there will be a barrier created making it difficult or impossible for the medium to work effectively. Scepticism of itself is no bad thing, so long as the sceptic retains an open mind and looks upon the sitting or reading as an experiment which may or may not prove communication between the two worlds. If on the other hand, the sceptic is willing to swear black is white rather than accept evidence which disproves his scepticism, then communication will be impaired.

If therefore communication takes place telepathically and the medium by relaying the information thus received is able to prove beyond reasonable doubt to the sitter that the communicator is who the medium claims it to be, where is the communicator? In previous blogs I have explained that there are many different spheres or planes in the spiritual world, each one delineated by its light. Does this mean therefore that a medium has to be capable of reaching many different spheres depending to which level the communicator has progressed? I think not. The Buddhists have always claimed that mediumship only deals with the lowest of the spiritual worlds, the Etheric. It is for this reason that they decry mediumship as being too lowly. After years of working as a medium I find myself agreeing with them about mediumship being concerned with communicating with the Etheric World only but heartily disagree with them that therefore mediumship is a lowly gift and one to be discouraged.

Why do I think this? Because from conversations with people in spirit, I know that there is totally free movement between the higher spiritual worlds and the lower but not vice-versa. It does not follow therefore that because a spirit is communicating with a medium from the Etheric World, they automatically belong there. Some communicators clearly do; they have not progressed any further at the time of the communication (maybe they have only recently passed) but others are obviously, from their comments, residing in one of the spiritual spheres beyond the Etheric. They wish to communicate with a loved one who remains on Earth and they know mediums can only work with the Etheric, so they move down to that sphere and by slowing their vibrations so as to become compatible with that world they are then able to speak to a clairvoyant telepathically. Here I should explain that ascending from one spiritual sphere to another is not a matter of time only. Some people move away from the Etheric Sphere almost immediately after passing because the inner light they possess as a result of the way they have lived on Earth, equips them right away for a higher world. Others may spend years of our time in the Etheric Sphere working to brighten their light. This is not a criticism of one individual over another, for life is eternal and we will all progress through the many spheres eventually.

Neither, I hope, will this blog be looked at as in some way diminishing the role of mediums; it does not. Mediumship is a wonderful gift that can be used to bring comfort and understanding to many who are searching blindly for a meaning to their lives. It is a gift to be treasured and nurtured and the fact that it may only operate between this world and the one immediately beyond it does not diminish its importance and value in both worlds one jot.

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