Wednesday, 14 January 2009

The God Particle

Currently, one of the most exciting areas of science and certainly one that holds the greatest possibility of a revolution in basic human understanding is Particle Physics. Although damage to it right at the start of its operations has delayed the first experiments, the Great Hadron Collider (or Atom-Smasher) in Cern, Switzerland, could provide Particle Physicists with hard evidence of two things in particular which up to now have existed only as theories.
The first is the existence of the Higgs Bosson particle. It has been nicknamed ‘the God Particle’ because the physicists believe it is what gives mass to all other fundamental particles. Without it there would be no gravity and no universe as we know it. According to the same physicists it is the only theory that can explain how the universe evolved.
Most physicists are instinctively drawn towards theories with a simple elegance. Reverend Sir John Polkinghorne used to be a theoretical physicist and worked with Professor Peter Higgs, after whom the God particle was named.
Professor Polkinghorne went on to become an Anglican minister. He believes the equations which describe the way sub-atomic particles interact contain a natural beauty in which some find a spark of divinity… Physicists are deeply impressed with the order of the world. It is rationally beautiful and structured, and the feeling that there is a mind behind it is a very natural feeling to have… He said: "I think the feeling of wonder, which is very fundamental to the experience of physicists - they way they see structure in the world - is fundamentally a religious experience, whether people recognise it as such or not.”
The Hadron Collider will smash two beams of particles head-on at super-fast speeds, recreating the conditions in the Universe moments after the Big Bang. Scientists hope to see new particles in the debris of these collisions, revealing fundamental new insights into the nature of the cosmos.
They will be looking for new physics beyond the Standard Model – the framework devised in the 1970s to explain how sub-atomic particles interact. The Standard Model comprises 16 particles – 12 matter particles and four force-carrier particles. The Standard Model has worked remarkably well so far but it cannot explain the best known of the so-called four fundamental forces: gravity; and it describes only ordinary matter, which makes up but a small part of the total Universe.
Also, one of the most important particles in the Standard Model – the Higgs boson – has to be found in an experiment. Today, the Standard Model is regarded as incomplete, a mere stepping stone to something else. So the Collider should help revitalise physics' biggest endeavour: a grand theory to explain all physical phenomena in Nature.

What physicists have discovered is that matter, as we know and see it, makes up a mere 4% of the matter in the universe! The rest is dark energy 73% and dark matter 23%. They have only been able to guess at its existence because it is the only explanation the makes sense but they know absolutely nothing about it. This means they know nothing about what makes up 96% of the universe!

The second area where hopes are high for further enlightenment is the existence of other dimensions than the four we know about. Another leading theory in Particle Physics is known as String Theory. This theory predicts from the known behaviour of observable sub-atomic particles, there must exist a further six dimensions.

Apparently, some physicists believe the existence of other dimensions is the only explanation for the fact that gravity is the weakest of the four basic forces in our universe. They say it is because gravity is shared with other dimensions!

I believe the other dimensions the Particle Physicists expect to find will turn out to be non-physical. Tomorrow therefore, I will share with you information about Dark Energy and the influence of Gravity that was given from scientists in the Spiritual world in 1913!

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