Tuesday 10 March 2009

Where There’s a Will …

Spirit will invariably find a way to communicate where the need is urgent – even if no medium is present. The following is a true story that happened to a Methodist Minister some years ago:

The minister was sitting alone in his study one night when he heard the doorbell ring. Going to the door he found standing there a young woman whom he knew fairly well. She was from a village some five miles away. The village was in an adjoining Methodist Circuit from which the minister had moved some sixteen months before.

“Good evening,” she cried, “I expect you have forgotten me but I have come on a very urgent errand. My father is dying. He never attended church much, but once or twice when you were in the Circuit we persuaded him to hear you preach. I do wish you would come and pray with him before he passes away”.

“I will come at once,” replied the minister. Putting on his hat and coat and taking an umbrella from the stand, he set off in the pouring rain on a five mile walk accompanied by the young woman.

On his arrival at the house, the wife welcomed him warmly. “Oh, how good of you to come,” she said, “But how did you know my husband was passing away?”

“Your daughter came for me,” he replied, with some surprise at the question. It was the woman’s turn to be surprised now.

“Come upstairs at once,” she said, “And we will talk afterwards.”

The minister went to the bedside of the dying man, spoke to him and prayed with him. Shortly afterwards, the end came. Turning to the woman who was now a widow, he asked where the daughter was, for he had not seen her again since they entered the house. The woman replied,

“I was surprised when you came to the door this evening and I asked you who told you that my husband was dying. You said that my daughter called and that you had come out together. You have not heard then that my daughter died a year ago?”
Now the minister was astonished indeed. “Dead!” he exclaimed, “She came to my door, rang the bell and walked out here with me.”

“Love conquers all!”

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