Thursday 26 March 2009

Another Question

Here is another question about our spiritual life submitted by a friend. I hope you find the answer interesting. Lionel

Why are we being guided at all - is there a reason for what we are trying to accomplish or what they think is in our best interest to evolve towards enlightement or some other worthwhile goal while here on earth before transitioning to the spirit world?

Our Guides or Guardian Angels (they used to be called “Guardians” when I was a boy) do not usually make their guidance known through mediums. They try to find ways to influence our mind so that we take the best possible action in any situation. They are not seeking personal recognition, their love is truly unconditional. Remember, they are with us at all times. Where a person meditates regularly and effectively, I believe their Guardian will influence them strongly while they are in the relaxed mental state and stillness induced by meditation.

Why are we being guided? The simple answer is because of love. From the moment we are born we begin to forget our spiritual and eternal heritage. As Wordsworth puts it:-

“The homely nurse doth all she can
To make her foster-child, her inmate man,
Forget the glories he hath known,
And that imperial palace whence he came.”

Our physical senses swamp our awareness and we gradually lose the knowledge that we are eternal and all things physical assume the greatest importance. Because of this we often make misguided decisions – misguided from the viewpoint of our eternal spirit. Our Guardian does all he or she can to persuade us to live this life in the knowledge of the life that is to come, the reasons we decided to incarnate and to base our decisions on spiritual rather than just earthly considerations. The love of a Guardian is without conditions and no matter how much we may err from a spiritual point of view he or she will never desert us.

However, they can only suggest. We have free will and frequently ignore the kindly suggestions of our guides.

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