Wednesday 5 January 2022

The Challenge of Covid

The last two years have tested human ingenuity, patience and understanding: Thrown into sharp relief our powerlessness against forces we do not understand: Elevated scientists to the level of saviours whilst  tempting them into an arrogance far from justified by their knowledge and shown the best and the worst of human behavior. These same scientists have used statistics and often dubious computer models to cow people into obedience.

Our perilous grip on dominance in the physical world has rarely been challenged so effectively as it has by the virus we call Covid 19. It is a challenge to us to work together in harmony with a common aim but it seems instead to have demonstrated our inability to bury self interest in order to conquer a common threat. Time and again, those countries with power and money have chosen to focus almost exclusively on their own citizens, ignoring the fact that Covid is a universal enemy. To provide vaccines for their populations they have done too little to ensure the poorer nations are similarly provided for.

Conquering the pandemic needs trust, co-operation and understanding on a personal, national and international level. What have we seen?  Those in power almost everywhere ignoring the need for co-operation when it seemed expedient to grasp every possible advantage for themselves.  The use of compulsion, refusing to recognise that individuals are capable of making their own decisions when faced with great challenges. Thus have free and open societies been transformed into little more than dictatorships. On a personal level, extortion and fraud have been manifested in taking advantage of emergency regulations and shortage of supply. 

Where political power has been at odds with accepting responsibility, power has triumphed. China refused to allow a fair and open investigation into what started the pandemic because of political dogma and a basic insecurity that is unable to accept challenge and the possibility of error. In the early days, some commercial organisations did not disclose the presence of infections because it might lead to financial losses. All in all  humanity is not emerging from the viral challenge with much to commend it. The exception of course are the dedicated health care workers who have worked tirelessly to help sufferers.

Instead of this pandemic being used as an opportunity to re-examine our priorities on all levels and seriously consider radical change, it has widened the gulf between haves and have nots wherever one chooses to look. It has been seen by the most powerful as an opportunity to extend their power and influence. Furthermore, commercial interests have used the pandemic to vastly increase their profits instead of sharing their expertise more freely for the common good. 

The spirit world tells us that we come to Earth in order to learn lessons and grow in spiritual understanding.  Because our spirit selves are subjected to domination by our five senses, lessons can be learned here in a way that is much more difficult in the spirit world. The growth in materialism driven by science and consumerism has undoubtedly made our Earthly task more difficult.  Yet conversely, it also provides enormous opportunity to do better. Because our ingenuity has relieved us of many onerous and time consuming everyday tasks, modern humanity has much more time to focus on improving the comfort and living conditions of all people. Yet what we see is ever worsening living conditions in poorer communities and a burgeoning of wealth and power among a minority. This is especially the case in poorer countries where the political class has been so corrupted by power it has used it to increase its own wealth enormously at the expense of the general population. 

Pandemics, such as Covid 19 give us the opportunity to re-evaluate our role both as individuals and as nations. During the first lockdown, there was much talk of the impact it was having upon our lives. People commented on the sudden absence of noise, such as road and air traffic. Many claimed to be experiencing a healing calmness in their lives which they had never known before. The need to rush everywhere was gone and they felt much better for it. People began to question the systems that seemed to lead to an increasingly manic pace of ordinary life. It also led many, as they lost loved ones to the virus, to pose philosophical questions about the purpose of life.  Of course it also caused severe psychological problems, especially amongst the elderly, as they thought themselves abandoned by family and friends.


I believe it is not too late to grasp the opportunity presented by Covid to re-examine our values, to say, “Stop, there must be a better way.” For instance, it is almost certain the pandemic began as a result of a leak from a laboratory in China that was experimenting with ways to genetically alter viruses that are normally only present among animals and birds. We know also that such laboratories pursue much more sinister experiments. Experiments to give their countries a military advantage in the international power game that typifies modern power politics. Should we allow fear, which is what often drives the military mind, to have such an all powerful influence? I think it was John F Kennedy who said, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

The military arguments put forward for the need to protect a country’s strategic interests with military might have been put forward in nearly all societies for millennia. The problem is that our inventiveness produces ever more sophisticated means of annihilation that we are urged to increase our military might still further and so ad infinitum. It is easy to see the futility of war as an instrument of political policy and the foolishness of ever believing in an ultimate weapon that will ensure peace. But …The problem is trust. Disarmament needs a conviction that the other person will also disarm. We are back to fear again!

I believe the root of our inability to disarm universally is the same thing that has led to the fear of death. We are looking at the problem from a purely physical standpoint! Humanity  labours under the illusion that we are merely physical beings who are victims of chance, having been created accidentally in the primordial mud in the far distant past. I say this despite official lip service paid to religion and to everlasting life, subject to believing in a particular creed or dogma.

The truth is very different. Human beings are creatures of spirit spending a few years encased in physical bodies in a physical world. We are everlasting spirits and each spirit is a part of the Great Spirit, or God. This is true no matter what creed, dogma, or none an individual professes.  The spirit is vastly superior to any form of matter however substantial that may be.

Our spirit possesses powers beyond imagination.  If only we would use our minds to tap that power, materialism and militarism would quickly disappear. To do so we need to accept who we truly are.  Our mind is part of the spirit, it does not die when our physical body dies. Science has been able to make many incredible advances in easing the physical burden of life on Earth but has made no meaningful attempts to investigate the mind. This is due to the scientific obsession that the mind is part of the physical brain. It refuses to countenance the existence of our eternal spirit. Until this attitude changes, it is difficult to see us progressing.

However there is hope. Particle physicists have discovered the theoretical existence of several dimensions beyond those we know of. It is only a matter of time before these dimensions are established as fact and in my view, they will prove to be spiritual. 

What a revolution in thought such a discovery will bring about! It will be at least comparable to the impact Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species had when it was published. That is when people will be forced to look within and to seek the help of the unseen world in order to create a new way of life and a new understanding for all humanity. Spiritualism will have the opportunity to come into its own and use our experience to give people the tools with which to fashion this new world. In the meantime Spiritualists can use the power of the spirit to shed more light on the darkness with which we have surrounded the Earth in the last two hundred years especially. Never has the power of prayer and the focus of our inner light been a greater necessity. Spiritualism must become a great deal more than the provider of evidence that we survive death and the giver of messages of comfort to the bereaved, wonderful though they are.

Lionel Owen.                                                                                                        January 2022

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