What a mixture of feelings! Excitement at the thought of seeing new places, meeting old friends, finding new ones, learning about strange cultures and hearing foreign languages; (I will be visiting the continent of Africa for the very first time) nervousness about heavy traffic en route to the airport, possible delays at airports, technical problems with aircraft, lining up at immigration, wondering if my luggage will be the one they choose to open this time and how I will feel when I eventually reach my destination; sadness at leaving home and those I care for; will they cope alright without me? Will I cope alright without them? Nervousness about my work and whether I will be able to attune myself properly and be as good a channel for spirit as before, tinged with anticipation and excitement about new students and watching their gifts blossom.
It is not as if this is something I have never done before. I have been leaving home on overseas trips for spirit for years now and yet . . . ! Each time is slightly different, even though most of the places I will be working are those I know well and there will be lots of loving people waiting to welcome me back; people whose dedication to the spirit is wonderful to see and whose welcome and hospitality will, as always, be second to none. Yet I know that as soon as I begin working, all the nervousness and doubt will evaporate and everything will flow as it usually does because my spirit friends are always there to help me do my best.
Despite any nervousness I might feel, I would not change anything. I love to travel; I love to meet people and discuss with them our respective views on a whole range of subjects; I love the opportunity to offer people the books I have written, in the hope that I will thereby contribute some small amount to their understanding of themselves; I love the singing at the churches I will be visiting and the opportunity to join in many old favourites that I have not sung for many a long day. It is truly a magic time for me and one for which I give grateful thanks to my Creator and to those ministers and helpers in the Spiritual World who seem to delight in accompanying me. I am truly a very fortunate person.
I know that this trip will be no exception in providing memorable moments that I will be able to savour long after the trip has ended. I know there will be new friends made during the trip; people whose friendship will mean more and more as time goes by; people who will share with me in future their moments of joy and moments of sadness. Making new friends is such a delight and such a privilege and it is what helps to make any small discomforts experienced during the journey, more than worthwhile. I know also that I will learn new things about my work; my teaching and my mediumship; things that should enable me to be better at both in the future; things that will bring quiet satisfaction and comfort to me; things that will convince me even more that we mediums have no reason to be proud and conceited, for everything we have and every bit of comfort we are able to bring to others, happens by courtesy of our friends in the spiritual world. Our task as mediums is to try all the time to make ourselves a clearer channel for spirit, to work out better and better ways to isolate our conscious mind when we are working with spirit.
Leaving home is an opportunity to reassess many things; a time to evaluate where our home life fits into the overall pattern of our lives; a time to appreciate love and friendship; a time to learn from those who come to us to learn; a time to spread the love of the spirit as widely as possible; a time to practice humility; a time to give grateful thanks to our Creator for the beautiful world we inhabit and the beautiful people that share it with us; a time to understand our physical limitations and our limitless spiritual horizons.
I leave home on Tuesday and the journeys mean my friends that the blogs will be appearing less frequently over the next four months. I hope you will understand and that you will check into the site from time to time to see what’s new. May you always walk in the light of the Spirit.