"Take advantage of the summer, when tree and flower, mountain and sea, bird and beast, field and river and stream reveal themselves in all their beauty. Praise the Great Spirit, who has brought you such an infinite variety of His artistry as displayed in nature's handiwork. Seek communion with those forces; strive to find the Great Spirit as He is expressed in the silence of the forest, in the lulling of the wind, in the trilling of the bird, in the nodding pine, in the ebb and flow of the ocean, in the perfume and scent of the flower, in the drone of the insect.
Try to learn how to become at one with nature's hidden forces, so that you can obtain through them the strength that resides there. The Great Spirit can talk to you in many ways, not only in churches and temples, through inspired prophets and mediums, through sacred books with their countless revelations, but also through the voice of nature, which is His servant. I want to convey to you the love of the Great Spirit as expressed by all His powers - those that speak and those that are silent."
Silver Birch
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