Monday 26 January 2009

How do Mediums Read the Future?

I’m not sure they do. If they are using their mediumship then it is spirit that is talking about the future and in that, I liken spirit people to a helicopter pilot flying over a narrow twisty road on which a car and a truck are travelling fast in opposite directions. Because of the bends and the high hedges, neither driver is aware of the other but the helicopter pilot can see them both and knows if nothing is done there will be a nasty accident. He therefore warns them both to slow down and be ready to meet one another. Spirit are in much the same situation vis a vis us. They, from their elevated position can see a little further ahead than can we but not a long way. They are therefore in a position to warn of impending collision. Also I believe, because they know our hopes and expectations, they sometimes indulge in a little game. They know that if they reinforce a strong hope, dream or expectation, the chances of it being realised will be increased. I’m sure you know yourself that you try harder to achieve something if you are encouraged.

The latter is what mediums do when just working with their psychic faculty. The difference is the psychic does it unconsciously because he or she doesn’t understand how the gift works. They sense the sitter’s hopes, dreams, expectations, even their state of health and often interpret what they are sensing as coming from spirit (which it is not). They then tell the sitter what they feel as though the information were coming from spirit. The psychic infers that what he feels is what will happen in the sitter's life and thus reinforced, hey presto, the psychic’s prediction becomes self-fulfilling!

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