Thursday 15 January 2009

Dark Matter - Description from Spirit in 1913!

The following extract from “The Lowlands of Heaven,”* a book dictated from the spiritual world by a process known as “automatic writing” is dated Thursday October 9th 1913.

“Perhaps if we endeavour to enlighten you on the chemistry of the heavenly bodies it may be both interesting and helpful to you. We do not mean the physical aspect of science, as understood by modern astronomers, but the deeper study of their constitution.

Every star, as you know, is itself the centre of a system which comprises in itself not only the planets in revolution around the star, but also the particles of matter which suffuse that system, but are too sublimated to be cognised by any system of chemistry which is possible to those who dwell in physical bodies, and in their research are compelled to use both material instruments and material brains. These particles are between the purely material and spiritual, and indeed may be used both in the physical and spiritual economies. For the two are merely two of many phases of one progressive economy, and act and react each on the other, like a sun and his planet.

Gravitation is applicable to these particles also on both sides, and it is by means of this force – as we will call it, as being a name you know and also understand a little– that we cohere these particles together and are able, from time to time, so to clothe our spiritual bodies as to become visible to the photographic plate, and sometimes to the human eye.

But we do more than this, and over a wider range. Were it not for these particles all space would be dark; that is, no light would be able to be transmitted from planet or sun or star to earth; for it is because of the reflection and refraction of these that the rays are visible. Not that they are transmitted, for their transmission and passage depend on other elements of which we will now say no more than this: It is not the rays of light, nor is it the so-called light-waves which are visible to the human eye, but their action on these minute particles which, on the impact of these rays, become visible as waves. …

What we want you to understand is that there is no such thing as blind or unconscious force in all God’s kingdom of creation. Not a ray of light, not an impulse of heat, not an electrical wave proceeds from your sun, or any other star, but is the effect of a cause, and that cause is a conscious cause; it is the Will of some conscious being energizing in a certain and positive direction. These beings are of many grades and species. They are not all of the same order, nor all of the same form. But their work is controlled by those above them, and these are controlled by powers of higher grade and sublimity still.”

Making allowances for the slightly archaic language of 1913, it is clear that what is being described here is Dark Energy/Matter. The communicator from spirit even uses the word “particles” in his description. Notice too that he also says “gravitation is applicable to these particles also on both sides.” ‘Both sides’ meaning: 1) Physical dimensions and 2) Spiritual dimensions. Confirmation from spirit therefore that there are more dimensions than the four we learned about at school!

Long before we even split the atom, let alone created Particle Physics as a branch of scientific study, the spiritual world are trying their best, subject to the total ignorance of the subject at that time on earth, to tell us about the matter/energy that physicists today acknowledge as forming 96% of all matter in the universe.

Mention is made that the ‘particles’ are “between the purely material and the spiritual”. Might this explain why physicists have observed in experiments certain sub-atomic particles disappearing and then re-appearing later?

The communicator describes how this dark energy is used to create what is known as ‘ectoplasm’, using which spirit forms can become as solid as you and me for short periods of time. Something perhaps the Victorian scientists who investigated materialisation might have used in their investigations had they realised dark matter existed?

Two factors mentioned have great relevance in relation to experiments using the Hadron Collider that I referred to in yesterday’s blog.

1) Confirmation that other, non-physical dimensions do exist.
2) That gravity is applied to these ‘dark’ particles in both dimensions. Confirmation therefore of the accuracy of the guess by scientists that gravity is the weakest basic force because it is shared between dimensions.

One further fascinating piece of information given concerns the effect particles of dark matter/energy have on the distribution of light throughout the universe. Bearing in mind the accuracy of the information about ‘dark energy’ and the involvement of gravity, physicists might do well to re-orientate their thinking about light too!

Sceptics often accuse Spiritualists of using “pseudo science” to promote their beliefs. Well, there’s nothing “pseudo” about this description of dark matter!
Does anybody have any ideas how we can persuade particle physicists to take notice of this?

Wouldn’t it be great if scientists on earth and their compatriots in the spiritual world would work together to understand the many mysteries surrounding us?

*”Lowlands of Heaven” by Rev. G. Vale Owen ISBN 0 900413 32 8 – Available from The Greater World Association


  1. Congratulations on your Blog Lionel...

  2. What wonderful content on your blog, Lionel!! Great idea to set this up on your part! Way to go! It will be so helpful to others for you to share your outstanding wealth of knowledge. We appreciate you greatly!!!
    With Love & Many Blessings,
    The Mayo Group
